In the late 1970's and 80's, I was a part of radio history. I didn't know it at the time. I was too busy..well..just doing it.
I was lucky enough to have gotten a job with WROV Radio in Roanoke, Virginia. The words that were said at the top of the hour-"More People Listen To WROV Roanoke Than All Other Stations Combined In The Roanoke Valley" sent chills up my spine because not only were they true, but I shared the microphone with talent that was every bit as good at what you would have heard at that time in Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York. Quite intimidating for a country boy from Martinsville, Virginia.
On August first, we gathered for a reunion. Me? At a reunion? Hell, I don't even attend Christmas parties. But this one was different. I had to see and bond again with the talent that I admired and learned from. To this day, I've had management at other radio stations raise their eyebrows and smile at me when they looked at my resume and learned I worked at WROV. And, rightly so that they should be impressed. Got some time on your hands? Learn more about this radio station here-http://www.wrovhistory.com
One image will stay with me always. Standing on the porch of this beautiful one hundred year old home, looking over the heads of the photographers, and seeing my wife Sandy, with her head cocked a bit to the side, with tears in her eyes. She, and those WROV staffers, are my heroes.
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